Focused on hard to reach places
and hard to reach people.
Our Staff

Dave Damron
President & Mobilizer
f you had told me that I’d be starting a nonprofit while in my mid-fifties, I would have shaken my head and said, “I doubt it.” But that’s exactly what I believe God has equipped and led me to do! The word “focused” has been a part of my ministry vernacular since I can remember. It emerged early on in my life as I started to follow Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, and often times I would tell myself, “Stay focused, David.” There is so many minor issues in life, but there is only ONE MAJOR issue and that’s what you will do with Jesus Christ. I believe that Jesus Christ has reconciled ALL PEOPLE back to God in so much that we can be co-participants with Him in bringing health and wholeness to our relationship with God (our Creator), with one-another as humans, within ourselves, and with all of creation.

Jennifer Damron
Strip-Church Dayton Coordinator
In 2009 our church hosted a “Community Awareness Seminar” that featured a women’s ministry that went into strip-clubs and built relationships with dancers. I remember thinking, “Oh God, please don’t ever call me to something like this.”
But you guessed it, that’s what He did.
For six years I served on a team in Atlanta, GA, and since 2018 I’ve been a part of a team of ladies who express the love of Jesus to people working in two strip-clubs near Dayton, OH.
I have four children of my own, and my daily prayer is that my kids would walk in their identity in Christ. That same desire compels me to meet and minister to these young women working in “adult entertainment.”

Focused Ministries exists to promote healthy and holistic relationships among people of every race, religion, gender, and nationality.